All current members are invited to a Special Meeting on February 18th at 2pm.
Letter from the SCAA President Lynne Moulton
Hello SCAA Members,
A SCAA member has challenged the passing of the bylaw changes that came up for a vote at the SCAA Annual Meeting, October 29, 2023. The member alleges that the lack of discussion/debate about the bylaw changes prior to the vote invalidates the vote. The Board believes there was an opportunity before the vote for members to raise their hands to speak. When no one did, we called for the vote. However, in the interest of transparency, we are choosing to call a special meeting of the membership for the specific purpose of bringing the current bylaw amendments up for a membership-wide vote again. The special meeting will be held Sunday, February 18th at 2pm in the Helme House gallery. Enclosed is a copy of the amended bylaws. The amendments are in red and underlined. You can also view the old and amended bylaws online at > Special Meeting. Going forward, the SCAA Staff and Board needs the ability to operate under the new bylaws without any lingering doubt that they are properly adopted. For this reason, we encourage any current SCAA member to attend this special meeting to help resolve this issue. Thank you all for your support. If you have any questions, email me [email protected] or Jen at [email protected]. Sincerely, Lynne Moulton SCAA Board President |