Photo Projects: An Introduction - October 28
$160.00 - $190.00
per item
Whether building a photography business, planning a gallery show or creating a multimedia presentation, photographers are wise to consider the project planning process. To succeed at having your images recognized, you need a deliberate plan that takes into account such aspects of photography as budgeting, rights and permissions, not to mention getting your gear transported for location shooting.
In this course, the instructor acts as your director or curator, giving you honest feedback while your self-defined project progresses from raw thumbnails to its unveiling six weeks later. The editing process is emphasized throughout as you learn to examine your shots with a more discerning critical eye.
There are many challenges when approaching a project and this class will give you a good understanding on how to start, work through and finish a photo project.
Prerequisite: A photo introductory class or one that taught you how to use your camera.
Instructor: Shane Gutierrez
Mondays, 6 weeks
October 28 - December 2
6:30 - 9pm
Members $160/ Non-Members $190
In this course, the instructor acts as your director or curator, giving you honest feedback while your self-defined project progresses from raw thumbnails to its unveiling six weeks later. The editing process is emphasized throughout as you learn to examine your shots with a more discerning critical eye.
There are many challenges when approaching a project and this class will give you a good understanding on how to start, work through and finish a photo project.
Prerequisite: A photo introductory class or one that taught you how to use your camera.
Instructor: Shane Gutierrez
Mondays, 6 weeks
October 28 - December 2
6:30 - 9pm
Members $160/ Non-Members $190