Acrylic Painting | April 6
Discover your artistic self while sharing in this fun painting class which creatively combines methods of non-objective styles with plenty of realistic objects too. Master color mixing, paint application techniques, and gain skills through class practice. Enjoy painting a series of inspirational non-objective pieces into which realistic subjects may be added to express individual styles. Allow your intuition to take over and make personal artistic choices. By using a variety of acrylic painting styles, you’ll learn new ways to combine balance with application methods.
This class demonstrates that the fundamental enjoyment of creating art is working with and allowing the flow of the inventive process. Creatively stress free and very applicable for artists who want to loosen up their painting style and reignite the passion for artmaking.
Materials List:
Instructor: Ann Bianchi
Wednesdays, 5 weeks
April 6 - May 4
10am - 12:30pm
Members $170 | Non-Members $190