Expressive Portrait Sketching in Watercolor and Acrylic | October 20
Portraits that have the greatest impact on the viewer are expressive ones, those that evoke feeling. This feeling can be reflected via facial expression -- that "look" in the eyes -- or even by more subtle descriptions as found in the atmosphere surrounding the model. We will explore the various ways we can achieve an expressive portrait in several mediums -- acrylic and watercolor.
In each of the five sessions of this class you will learn the fundamental yet often overlooked elements of creating a portrait from either photo references or live models. Yes, we will strive for likeness; yet, likeness is not always easy to achieve without some knowledge of facial anatomy, associated value planes, and even changes in color temperature for flesh tones. With such knowledge, observation --in the case of a live model or photo reference --becomes more fruitful to our attempts at achieving an expressive likeness.
Instructor: Tom Martino
Thursdays | 5 weeks
October 20 - November 17
6 - 8:30pm
Members $170 | Non-Members $190