Realism Drawing: 3-D Projects & Fine Art | February 24
This class will improve your ability to draw realistically. Learn how to begin a drawing with set-up skills and then to compose your imagery. With this curriculum, artists working 3-dimensionally; potters, sculptors etc benefit by applying fundamental drawing basics (axis/ form/ mid-lines/ balance) for their constructs resulting in accurately composed preliminary sketches and working-drawings.
Artists seeking solely to edify their drawing skills for fine art will learn techniques to sharpen observation skills which include learning to measure accurately, recognizing the physics of light through isolating shadow and highlights. Working with real time still-lifes and photographic reference the art of “learning to see” will be taught as well as the pencil stroke techniques and strategies that create the illusion of 3-dimensional imagery. All levels are welcome. Materials List.
Instructor: Lisa Adams
Thursday | 5 weeks
February 24 - March 24
10am - 12pm
Members $165 | Non-Members $180